Writing is like breathing

Writing is like breathing
Like running on a slippery ice crisp winter morning
With northern wind burning your lips
And clouds moving fast across the sky
It's like a life, with ups and downs, losses and gains
Unbridled happiness and abysmal despair 
Or even bigger because it includes all the 'what if's in the world
And it's forever because time isn't an object
It only matures with it like a good wine
With pulse of hunger for knowledge and passion 
It grows only stronger threatening to outlive you
Even when it seems so far from happening
It grows under your skin and may lay dormant for years
To only blossom one of the springs
When it can wait no more     


  1. I like this *smile*
    Now I have to read the rest ;)

  2. Love your style and shared one on Twitter and another on FB. Keep pushing these out, it takes time to stick. You are writing what I am thinking that is a neat trick without ESP! Hugs, Melissa


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